SQEK BCN 2015 https://sqekbcn.squat.net SQUATTING HOUSES, SOCIAL CENTRES AND WORKPLACES Workshop on self-managed alternatives Mon, 30 Nov 2015 16:22:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8-beta1-40782 EXPOSITION https://sqekbcn.squat.net/exposition/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/exposition/#respond Mon, 30 Nov 2015 16:17:12 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=14451 We recently participated in the international conference on Communication, Development and Human Rights: social change and media flows, organised by the International and Intercultural Communication Section of ECREA. A exposition was set up, allowing visitors to reflect on the importance of squatting, the Antipode Workshop and activist research in general.

Access the materials here


https://sqekbcn.squat.net/exposition/feed/ 0
SqEK’s latest book https://sqekbcn.squat.net/sqeks-latest-book/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/sqeks-latest-book/#respond Mon, 19 Oct 2015 17:25:03 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=13843 Making Room: Cultural Production in Occupied Spaces was presented on the 20th at Ateneu Popular de Nou Barris.

This book includes several contributions by SqEK members. It was edited by Alan W. Moore and Alan Smart, designed by Other Forms, and co-published by Journal of Aesthetics & Protest and Other Forms

Making Room: Cultural Production in Occupied Spaces is a first of its kind — an anthology of voices from the post-1968 squatting movement in Europe which is focused on creative production and cultural innovation. Is squatting art? It is certainly a tactic which has enabled a tremendous body of collective work in culture to be done, and new kinds of lives to be lived. Making Room lays it out in the words of those who did it and study it.

The dark matter undercommons of disobedient culture surveyed in this book begins its roam in a theoretical introduction including autonomist theory, the ways of “monster institutions” and simple economic justice. Then it moves from north to south, portraying by country the specific local conditions of an international movement.

The book is organized by country; Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Anywhere, Elsewhere. Memories and thoughts are driven from so many historic squats, including; La Casa Invisible, MACAO, La Miroiterie, Teatro Valle, Gängeviertel, Rote Insel, Stutti, The House of the Process Church, The Youth House and others.

Download the PDF for free here

https://sqekbcn.squat.net/sqeks-latest-book/feed/ 0
INTERVIEWS https://sqekbcn.squat.net/interviews/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/interviews/#respond Mon, 19 Oct 2015 17:05:25 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=13810 Here are some thoughts on squatting and activist research by those who attended the SqEK-Antipode conferences in Barcelona.





https://sqekbcn.squat.net/interviews/feed/ 0
PHOTOS https://sqekbcn.squat.net/photos/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/photos/#respond Fri, 14 Aug 2015 19:14:26 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=12042 Enjoy some photos of the event, the tours and the city. Thanks to the photographers Miguel, Sutapa & Tobi.

https://sqekbcn.squat.net/photos/feed/ 0
[Français] Affiche https://sqekbcn.squat.net/francais-affiche/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/francais-affiche/#respond Thu, 14 May 2015 00:09:32 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=8806 Cartel SQUEK version francais

Plus d’info sur les interventions et débats:

https://sqekbcn.squat.net/francais-affiche/feed/ 0
[English] Poster https://sqekbcn.squat.net/english-poster/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/english-poster/#respond Thu, 14 May 2015 00:06:48 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=8803 Cartel SQUEK version english

+ info about speakers, discussions, etc:

https://sqekbcn.squat.net/english-poster/feed/ 0
[Castellano] Cartel https://sqekbcn.squat.net/castellano-cartel/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/castellano-cartel/#respond Thu, 14 May 2015 00:04:14 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=8800 Cartel SQUEK version castellano

+ info sobre ponentes, debates, etc:


https://sqekbcn.squat.net/castellano-cartel/feed/ 0
[Català] Cartell https://sqekbcn.squat.net/catala-cartell/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/catala-cartell/#respond Thu, 14 May 2015 00:02:27 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=8796

+ Info sobre ponents, debats, etc:

https://sqekbcn.squat.net/catala-cartell/feed/ 0
Escola IGOP https://sqekbcn.squat.net/escola-igop/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/escola-igop/#respond Wed, 13 May 2015 23:21:18 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=8787


The Institut de Govern i Polítiques Publiques (IGOP) is an interdisciplinary research institute that belongs to the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

It draws together political scientists and sociologists, but also researchers coming from other disciplines within social sciences, such us geographers, economists, anthropologists, jurists and environmentalists.

IGOP currently operates in the following areas of work and research:

  • Education (Education and equity, education and region).
  • Social Inclusion and Citizenship (analysis of inequality, political inclusion, exclusion and gender).
  • Participation (Assessment of Participation, Participation and territory, Social Movements, Politics and ICT).
  • Other public policies (policies for Housing, the Environment, Research and Development …).
  • Government, public administration and management.
  • Security (public safety policies, monitoring, control technologies, management of public safety).
  • Internet and Politics.


https://sqekbcn.squat.net/escola-igop/feed/ 0
Can Masdeu https://sqekbcn.squat.net/can-masdeu/ https://sqekbcn.squat.net/can-masdeu/#respond Wed, 13 May 2015 23:15:48 +0000 https://sqekbcn.squat.net/?p=8782

Qui som

La vall de Can Masdeu es una xarxa de projectes que resisteix al ritme de les estacions la voracitat d’una ciutat sense límits. Un acte de desobediència creativa al món dels diners, del fum i les ordenances, del soroll i la velocitat. Una proposta de cooperació col·lectiva i convivència entre generacions als peus de Collserola i amb les arrels a Nou Barris. La vall compren 35 hectàrees de sol qualificat com a ‘equipaments’, forma part del Parc Natural de Collserola i es propietat de l’Hospital de Sant Pau. Tanmateix, des del punt de vista de l’us, la custodia activa d’aquest territori rurbà l’estem exercint els col·lectius que des de l’any 2001 l’hem recuperat com a espai agrícola i social. Aquesta xarxa mobilitza centenars de persones, vinculades a algún dels cinc projectes de la vall i visceralment convençudes de que la terra es de qui la treballa. Reivindiquem la defensa agroecològica de Collserola i una gestió pública de la vall, però entenem lo públic sobretot com a recuperació dels comuns, es a dir, espais i recursos sostrets a la lògica mercantil i autogestionats per la comunitat.

Per montar una visita d’Educació Agroecològica


Per temes relacionats amb els tallers del PIC


Per qualsevol altre tema


Tota la informació sobre el projecte


Informació sobre altres projectes agroecològics


P:D Actualment i durant un periode de sis mesos (prorrogable) no estem reben hostes degut a la saturació d’hostes, amics i altres visites. Podeu participar de la vall en qualsevol dels seus projectes en els dies oberts (consulteu la web)

https://sqekbcn.squat.net/can-masdeu/feed/ 0