We recently participated in the international conference on Communication, Development and Human Rights: social change and media flows, organised by the International and Intercultural Communication…

Making Room: Cultural Production in Occupied Spaces was presented on the 20th at Ateneu Popular de Nou Barris. This book includes several contributions by SqEK…

Here are some thoughts on squatting and activist research by those who attended the SqEK-Antipode conferences in Barcelona.

Enjoy some photos of the event, the tours and the city. Thanks to the photographers Miguel, Sutapa & Tobi.
![[Français] Affiche](../../wp-content/themes/sqekbcn/images/archive-thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
Plus d’info sur les interventions et débats: 20th of May – Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris 21th of May – Escola de l’IGOP 22th of…
![[English] Poster](../../wp-content/themes/sqekbcn/images/archive-thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
+ info about speakers, discussions, etc: 20th of May – Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris 21th of May – Escola de l’IGOP 22th of May…
![[Castellano] Cartel](../../wp-content/themes/sqekbcn/images/archive-thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
+ info sobre ponentes, debates, etc: 20th of May – Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris 21th of May – Escola de l’IGOP 22th of…
![[Català] Cartell](../../wp-content/uploads/sqekbcn/2015/05/Cartel-SQUEK-version-catalan1-470x140.jpg)
+ Info sobre ponents, debats, etc: 20th of May – Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris 21th of May – Escola de l’IGOP 22th of May…

About The Institut de Govern i Polítiques Publiques (IGOP) is an interdisciplinary research institute that belongs to the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). It draws…

Qui som La vall de Can Masdeu es una xarxa de projectes que resisteix al ritme de les estacions la voracitat d’una ciutat sense límits….