We recently participated in the international conference on Communication, Development and Human Rights: social change and media flows, organised by the International and Intercultural Communication…

Here are some thoughts on squatting and activist research by those who attended the SqEK-Antipode conferences in Barcelona.

Enjoy some photos of the event, the tours and the city. Thanks to the photographers Miguel, Sutapa & Tobi.
![[Français] Affiche](../../wp-content/themes/sqekbcn/images/archive-thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
Plus d’info sur les interventions et débats: 20th of May – Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris 21th of May – Escola de l’IGOP 22th of…
![[English] Poster](../../wp-content/themes/sqekbcn/images/archive-thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
+ info about speakers, discussions, etc: 20th of May – Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris 21th of May – Escola de l’IGOP 22th of May…
![[Castellano] Cartel](../../wp-content/themes/sqekbcn/images/archive-thumbnail-placeholder.gif)
+ info sobre ponentes, debates, etc: 20th of May – Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris 21th of May – Escola de l’IGOP 22th of…
![[Català] Cartell](../../wp-content/uploads/sqekbcn/2015/05/Cartel-SQUEK-version-catalan1-470x140.jpg)
+ Info sobre ponents, debats, etc: 20th of May – Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris 21th of May – Escola de l’IGOP 22th of May…

About The Institut de Govern i Polítiques Publiques (IGOP) is an interdisciplinary research institute that belongs to the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). It draws…

May 22 – SOCIAL CENTERS Escola de l’IGOP 9.30-10.00 Presentation of maps Movokeur maps 10.00 – 12.00 Plenary Session 2: Social centres as urban commons…
![[Castellano] Presentación Taller](../../wp-content/uploads/sqekbcn/2015/02/sqek1121-470x140.jpg)
International workshop on “SQUATTING HOUSES, SOCIAL CENTRES AND WORKPLACES: A WORKSHOP ON SELF- MANAGED ALTERNATIVES TO CAPITALISM” Barcelona, IGOP, Autonomous University of Barcelona, May 21st-23rd…